Waikato Draught, the Spirit of Waikato
Strong Bitter Beer Taste
A strong malty flavour with a well-defined bitterness, and a smooth and clean texture.

Our History
Waikato Draught, our bitter Kiwi beer, was first brewed in 1925. Willie The Waiter, our cartoon character, came on to the scene in 1945 and became a staple to the Waikato Draught logo.
Each beer was brewed locally at the Waikato Innes Family Waikato Brewery. Rumour has it, this was the first brewery in NZ to be fully owned by a woman, Mary Jane Innes. A Waikato Legend for sure.
Nowadays, Waikato Draught is brewed down at the Lion Breweries, but it’s iconic strong malty flavour with a well-defined bitterness remains unchanged.